How can we help?

An a day on the green presale is when a specific timeframe is allocated to a day on the green members which enables members to get access to purchase tickets to a show promoted by a day on the green before tickets go on sale to the general public.

Please check the relevant tour page for the specific dates and times.

In order to access an a day on the green member presale you must be a registered member. If you’re not already, you can sign up here.

Once you have successfully registered to become an a day on the green member, you will receive your very own exclusive member/presale code. This code does not change and is the same for every a day on the green presale.

Your exclusive member/presale code is used to unlock the a day on the green presale on Ticketmaster.

Please note Ticketmaster is the only official ticket merchant for all a day on the green shows.

You can find your member presale code via:

1. On the confirmation email you received when you signed up to become an a day on the green member.
2. On the My Details page when you have signed into the a day on the green website.
3. In the presale section of the relevant show prior and during a presale. You must be signed into the a day on the green website.
4. You can also retrieve your member presale code and have an email sent to you by visiting the Retrieve Your Member ID page. Remember to enter the email address associated with the membership.

Tickets in all categories are available during both the a day on the green presale and general public on sale. An a day on the green presale is the chance to secure tickets prior to the general public on sale date and is not a preferential seating service.
Please note that there is no guarantee you will be able to purchase tickets in an a day on the green presale. Allocations can be exhausted in both the presale and then the general public on sale.

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